Create a Telegram client in Go using TDLib with Docker
After this tutorial, you will be able to build a telegram client with API to retrieve chat list from it in Go. This tutorial assume you have a basic understanding of Docker, how it works and most importantly having it installed in you machine. If you don’t, it would be great for you go learn some basic concepts about it first.
Github demo code:
Let’s begin.
1 - Create a Telegram application
Before we start doing any programming, we need to create an app on Telegram first. For details, click here. After this, you should have your app_id
and app_hash
2 - The Client application
To build a telegram client, we need to use a library called TDLib. It is library written in C++ and so we can leverage cgo to write our client in Go.
go-tdlib is the goto Go library for TDLib. It is being actively maintained. This tutorial will be using it.
Coding part:
First, we need a TDLib client.
client = tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "Server",
SystemVersion: "1.0.0",
ApplicationVersion: "1.0.0",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
You will have to fill in your app_id
and app_hash
you get from the previous section. The rest we can leave it as default.
Then, we need to authorize our client.
go func() {
for {
var currentState, _ = client.Authorize()
if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
var number string
_, err := client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending phone number: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
var code string
_, err := client.SendAuthCode(code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth code : %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
var password string
_, err := client.SendAuthPassword(password)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth password: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")
The phone number should include country code.The above authorization code snippet allows you to authorize through password or security code in your client.
To get all the chat names, we need to get the list of chat IDs and get chat details one by one.
func getChatList(client *tdlib.Client, limit int) ([]*tdlib.Chat, error) {
var allChats []*tdlib.Chat
var offsetOrder = int64(math.MaxInt64)
var offsetChatID = int64(0)
var chatList = tdlib.NewChatListMain()
var lastChat *tdlib.Chat
for len(allChats) < limit {
if len(allChats) > 0 {
lastChat = allChats[len(allChats)-1]
for i := 0; i < len(lastChat.Positions); i++ {
//Find the main chat list
if lastChat.Positions[i].List.GetChatListEnum() == tdlib.ChatListMainType {
offsetOrder = int64(lastChat.Positions[i].Order)
offsetChatID = lastChat.ID
// get chats (ids) from tdlib
var chats, getChatsErr = client.GetChats(chatList, tdlib.JSONInt64(offsetOrder),
offsetChatID, int32(limit-len(allChats)))
if getChatsErr != nil {
return nil, getChatsErr
if len(chats.ChatIDs) == 0 {
return allChats, nil
for _, chatID := range chats.ChatIDs {
// get chat info from tdlib
var chat, getChatErr = client.GetChat(chatID)
if getChatErr == nil {
allChats = append(allChats, chat)
} else {
return nil, getChatErr
return allChats, nil
Finally, we add a HTTP router and HTTP handler for GET /getChats
http.HandleFunc("/getChats", getChatsHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
func getChatsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var allChats, getChatErr = getChatList(client, 1000)
if getChatErr != nil {
var retMap = make(map[string]interface{})
retMap["total"] = len(allChats)
var chatTitles []string
for _, chat := range allChats {
chatTitles = append(chatTitles, chat.Title)
retMap["chatList"] = chatTitles
var ret, marshalErr = json.Marshal(retMap)
if marshalErr != nil {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
io.WriteString(w, string(ret))
Combine them all the source code would be like this.
package main
import (
var client *tdlib.Client
func main() {
// Create new instance of client
client = tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "Server",
SystemVersion: "1.0.0",
ApplicationVersion: "1.0.0",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
// Handle Ctrl+C , Gracefully exit and shutdown tdlib
var ch = make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
go func() {
for {
var currentState, _ = client.Authorize()
if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
var number string
var _, err = client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending phone number: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
var code string
var _, err = client.SendAuthCode(code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth code : %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
var password string
var _, err = client.SendAuthPassword(password)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth password: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")
// Wait while we get Authorization Ready!
// Note: See authorization example for complete auhtorization sequence example
var currentState, _ = client.Authorize()
for ; currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() != tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType; currentState, _ = client.Authorize() {
time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
http.HandleFunc("/getChats", getChatsHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
func getChatsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var allChats, getChatErr = getChatList(client, 1000)
if getChatErr != nil {
var retMap = make(map[string]interface{})
retMap["total"] = len(allChats)
var chatTitles []string
for _, chat := range allChats {
chatTitles = append(chatTitles, chat.Title)
retMap["chatList"] = chatTitles
var ret, marshalErr = json.Marshal(retMap)
if marshalErr != nil {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
io.WriteString(w, string(ret))
// see
func getChatList(client *tdlib.Client, limit int) ([]*tdlib.Chat, error) {
var allChats []*tdlib.Chat
var offsetOrder = int64(math.MaxInt64)
var offsetChatID = int64(0)
var chatList = tdlib.NewChatListMain()
var lastChat *tdlib.Chat
for len(allChats) < limit {
if len(allChats) > 0 {
lastChat = allChats[len(allChats)-1]
for i := 0; i < len(lastChat.Positions); i++ {
//Find the main chat list
if lastChat.Positions[i].List.GetChatListEnum() == tdlib.ChatListMainType {
offsetOrder = int64(lastChat.Positions[i].Order)
offsetChatID = lastChat.ID
// get chats (ids) from tdlib
var chats, getChatsErr = client.GetChats(chatList, tdlib.JSONInt64(offsetOrder),
offsetChatID, int32(limit-len(allChats)))
if getChatsErr != nil {
return nil, getChatsErr
if len(chats.ChatIDs) == 0 {
return allChats, nil
for _, chatID := range chats.ChatIDs {
// get chat info from tdlib
var chat, getChatErr = client.GetChat(chatID)
if getChatErr == nil {
allChats = append(allChats, chat)
} else {
return nil, getChatErr
return allChats, nil
3 - Dockerfile
To build our Go application with TDLib, we would need all the dependencies. To save your time, I have already prepared the base image and the Dockerfile is here.
First, for base images, we need the dependencies and Go compiler.
Go Compiler:
FROM golang:1.15-alpine AS golang
Then, we put the dependencies in places as Arman92/go-tdlib
wants them to be.
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/local/include/td /usr/local/include/td
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/local/lib/libtd* /usr/local/lib/
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/lib/libssl.a /usr/local/lib/libssl.a
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/lib/libcrypto.a /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.a
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /lib/libz.a /usr/local/lib/libz.a
RUN apk add build-base
We build the Go application.
RUN go build --ldflags "-extldflags '-static -L/usr/local/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -ldl -lm -lssl -lcrypto -lstdc++ -lz'" -o /tmp/demo-exe main.go
You might be wondering why I am adding such a long value for ldflags
. It is linker flag for C compiler. The flag provides locations of the C libraries we need to cgo
to compile the application.
is a very important flag here. It tells the compiler to include the c libraries into the final Go executable instead of just linking the Go executable to them. It makes the executable can run without extra dependencies and our next step on minimizing the image size possible.
COPY --from=golang /tmp/demo-exe /demo-runner
We move our client executable into a very minimal base image, distroless. With this extra stage, our image size shrink significantly.
We then expose port 3000 of the container for the HTTP router to be able to receive external call.
Final step, run the executable.
ENTRYPOINT [ "/demo-runner" ]
The complete Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.15-alpine AS golang
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/local/include/td /usr/local/include/td
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/local/lib/libtd* /usr/local/lib/
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/lib/libssl.a /usr/local/lib/libssl.a
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /usr/lib/libcrypto.a /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.a
COPY --from=wcsiu/tdlib:1.7-alpine /lib/libz.a /usr/local/lib/libz.a
RUN apk add build-base
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN go build --ldflags "-extldflags '-static -L/usr/local/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -ldl -lm -lssl -lcrypto -lstdc++ -lz'" -o /tmp/demo-exe main.go
COPY --from=golang /tmp/demo-exe /demo-runner
ENTRYPOINT [ "/demo-runner" ]
We can then try to build the image and let’s call the image telegram-client-demo
docker build -fDockerfile -ttelegram-client-demo .
4 - Docker Compose
The main reason we use docker-compose
here is just to keep the configuration in code.
stdin_open: true
tty: true
However, I do want to talk about these two settings. They allow us to docker attach
the running container to input through stdin
for authorization.
The full docker-compose.yml
version: '3.4'
context: ..
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
network: host
image: telegram-client-demo
container_name: telegram-client-demo
hostname: telegram-client-demo
- "3000"
- "./dev:/demo"
working_dir: /demo
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- 3000:3000
To run the application, we can just this command.
docker-compose -fdocker-compose.yml up
5 - Not done yet but almost!
You may find yourself stuck.
$ docker-compose -fdocker-compose.yml up
docker-compose -fdocker-compose.yml up
Recreating telegram-client-demo ... done
Attaching to telegram-client-demo
You need to docker attach
to the running container to do your first time authorization. After that, your credentials would in the ./dev/
$ docker attach telegram-client-demo
85233333333 #your phone number with country code
Enter code:
Authorization Ready! Let's rock
Just enter your account phone number with country code and press enter. Then follow the instructions until it is set.
We can now try to make a GET
request to our container exposed port 3000.
$ curl -v http://localhost:3000/getChats
* Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 3000 (#0)
> GET /getChats HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:3000
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2020 15:47:48 GMT
< Content-Length: 308
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"chatList":["a","b","c"],"total":3}* Closing connection 0
6 - Debug
Besides the docker logs
, there is error log file in ./dev/
with name errors.txt
Congrats. You got a telegram client which can fetch all you chats.
If you find anything I can improve on this writting, feel free to leave your comments. I am still on my learning journey!